Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I'm Surviving!

     Hellos from Australia! It's my third full week here in Perth and so far I have loved EVERY moment of it. Jamie and I started off our first morning together, and the few after that, at the ungodly hour of 4 am. Yes, I said 4 am. Hello there jetlag! At the earliest possible minute Jamie took me out to a surprise breakfast at Trigg Island Cafe, and from there took me clothes shopping. Isn't he the best?! In between then and now we've basically been speed dating all of his friends. Lunch with one, dinner with the next and drinks or a movie with another. I can see us having a really good time with all of them so far.
     In other news, I got a job at the Lakeview Cafe, literally right behind his house. When I say literally I mean that his kitchen window looks over the entire patio area. The up side is I'll never have to worry about transportation: the down side is that I can't get away from it! It's there every time I go get something to eat or drink. It's a bit much! It wouldn't be so bad if my supervisor weren't a condescending witch but hey, no job is perfect, right? So my question is...has it been six months yet? Sorry for the negativity but I've been needing a vent session.
     As for Jamie, it was his first day back at work today and my first day conquering Australia on my own. While Jamie was gone I tried to keep myself as occupied as possibly: I ran around the lake, went to the shops across the road for the best back massage I've ever had, bought both my sisters' birthday presents, watched Black Swan, and had some quality bonding conversations with Jamie's Nan. To top it all off, Jamie came home an hour earlier than expected. I'd say it has been a very successful day.
     The only thing I'm really having trouble with is my identity. I feel as though I'm in limbo land and don't really belong anywhere. Obviously my family is in the US, and obviously Jamie is in Australia, but as for me...I'm somewhere in the middle of the Pacific in a tug-of-war. I imagine this is something that many immigrants go through (even though I'm not officially an immigrant). I recently found out that an acquaintance from high school is going to school about 30 minutes South of here so I might just make plans with him to get in touch with my American side again.
     Tonight I'm meeting Jamie's best friend's girlfriend. We're going bowling and to dinner! Lots more adventures to come! I hope all is well in the US! 



1 comment:

  1. Limbo-land down under...sounds like a great book! How good it is to read this post even though more than a week has gone by since you wrote it! You have been front and center in my mind. Identity is such a mysterious thing. So often we expect it to come from the outside of us. I am my Mom's daughter, I am an ex-pat, I am a student. When we think that way, we are only half right. You are forging something that has never existed before using the raw material that you have been developing for over 20 years. Keep breathing. Don't hurry the process. YOu don't want to "arrive" at yourself too soon! The more permission you give yourself to be in the "middle" of the journey - and not to be in one place or the other - the more freedom you will allow yourself to grow. Who knows what you are growing into? It is so exciting. Every day is another clue to the treasure. Remember, above all, that the "treasure of you" is alive, which means it is dynamic (fluid). Watch what grows...prune when you have to...allow some of the shoots to surprise you. Love who you are and who you are becoming. It's ok to be in the middle! xoxoxoxoxo Aunt Mo
