Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Little Bit Stronger~ Country Strong

     When I came back to the US I was hit with a wave of obstacles to overcome. My Opa had passed away just a few weeks before my return, not giving me a chance to say my last goodbyes and I love you’s. I was dealing with a break up (through my own doing) that left me feeling a lethal combination of emotions all once. After these two events alone, I was feeling completely guilt-ridden and in need of an escape. That’s where the music comes in. It was a toss-up between the song I chose for this entry and Stronger by B. Spears. This song won out because it dates back to when times were even tougher and helped me through. My hope through this new blog style is that I can help others (and myself) through "the good, the bad, and the ugly," or at least make it a bit easier . While I can’t say my heart is as healthy as it was a few months ago, each day I get a little bit stronger. Each day presents a new challenge.  Just like in the Script's "Six Degrees of Separation" the 3rd is when you're world splits down the middle, the 4th is when you think that you've fixed yourself, the fifth, you see them out with someone else...etc.  Sometimes you need to cry about it, some days you need to talk about it with someone who can relate (or anyone who will listen), and other days you just need to knock a few back at the bar. Pick your poison! As long as you don’t go too overboard with any one of these. At the end of any terrible and cloudy day, you know, even in the smallest corner of your mind, that the sun will shine again and in full force. Your genuine smile will come back. And that’s what makes us stronger. "Keep Holding On."

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Little One, My wish for you is that you see the strength you hold within yourself. You have the ability to move mountains......allow yourself to breathe and know that life doesn't always take shape quickly. Remember, it's in the journey that we find ourself. At the end, well, that's when we take our last breath.
