I want so badly to get out and explore but at the same time I'm kind of terrified of leaving the comforts of home behind. When this quote says "someone who's brave enough to take care of us every once and awhile," I picture my mom. I keep playing tug-of-war in my mind with the two thoughts, get out and roam the earth or stay and feel safe in the familiar. There's another quote I really like that goes, "The lust for comfort murders the passions of the soul." At first this may seem like a strange quote but if you break it down it means exactly what I just said. In layman's terms: stay for comfort and my dreams will die.
[Pardon the "offensive" language] I've saved a bunch of these random picture quote/phrases to my picture files over the last few years just because they seemed to appeal to me, but now more than ever I really take them to heart. Quotes are like words of wisdom from strangers. Beautiful words that sometimes put life into more simple terms.
Recently I've been having a major internal struggle about friends from high school. I feel as though I've been left in the dust since introducing everyone to Jamie at Christmas two years ago. My male friends didn't make a single effort to stand up, shake his hand, say hello or introduce themselves. Our presents was hardly acknowledged the entire time. That was the first blow. From then on out it seems I'm being ostracized for my happiness. I know this seems like a bit of a stretch, even writing it makes me feel like I'm being irrational but what other reason would it be? Last summer I hung out with all of them a few times every week and now they're making plans with out me and posting it all over the internet. The point of writing this paragraph was not to say "whoa is me." The point is the debate I have going on in my head. Do I push past my pride and invite them all for a day at the beach even though I feel abandoned by them, or do I say screw it, I'm leaving in two months and will make new friends? The obvious choice is to just push past the pain and make plans of my own to include everybody. This way I don't leave with burnt and bitter bridges, but that's going to be really tough. It took a lot of strength just to ask one of the girls in that group if I could stop by her house to say "hi" because I was in the area. Friendships are supposed to be effortless! Today I spent the afternoon with an old co-worker who has been my best friend since I had a job with her back in 2008. We spent the day laughing and it reminded me of how good friendships are supposed to be. Which pulls me back to saying forget to the group of people who don't feel the need to hang out with me anyway! Such turmoil in my head and heart. Again, I'm sorry for this petty drama I threw in but it's the closest thing I have to venting and sorting my thoughts at 12:53 am.